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Sunday, 25 May 2014

Humanity's Question: To be, Or not to be?


(Special Report)


Today we are republishing a  commentary that was posted back in January 2013. The post is even more relevant today, as the critical issues we face as a species are escalating almost it seems beyond control. Reports are also being made by various LEGITIMATE groups including NASA, UN bodies and the White House and Pentagon. These reports are posted through-out our affiliated blogs and may be searched by keyword. Moreover, let's not forget too, that Stephen Hawkings sits on a committee that is actually planning "end of world events", while The Bank of England  is calling for a wholesale change in the dogmas of classical economics - as the stresses of infinite growth are self-evident in so many countries around the world. 

As a further result, the possibility that the EU, Japan, China and other third world nations could financially collapse is a very real danger that could be sparked by an abrupt climb in global interest rates. Many events at any moment could spark this rapid rise, that would cause the greatest and most unprecedented collapse in asset values around the world where credit and banking bubbles in real estate and market investments, exist almost everywhere - another dark age looms large on the horizon.

Economics is not the only cancer that has terminal implications. Overpopulation and unbridled industrial destruction of the biosphere are crossing over to the exponential phase. Should  average global temperature rise just a mere 2 degrees C., some experts say we risk triggering a methane bomb that yields the same consequences of the Permian Extinction's climate conditions  - over 95%  of life on the planet was wiped out in short order.

Words of Science 

More could be said, but what should be obvious from the preponderance of scientific and expert facts and conclusions - "we are on the wrong path"  and the destiny of the road is all too certain in fairly short order. A less travelled road is required. One that does not focus on the ambiguous linguistic meaning of " sustainability," but rather a turn to the path that is more concrete in nature, more measurable and absolute - " longevity!" Why? Because that goal forces us to apply hard mathematics and physical concepts to the planet's realities. Moreover, what is clear, for instance, is that a global population creating equal per capita footprints of 1 billion people lasts seven times longer than our current population's numbers, all other things also being equal. And if reduce the average per capita `footprint - we add greater value to our species' possible longevity.

Unbridled Growth Leads To One Destination  

To briefly sum up, our goals need to redirected towards the path of longevity and not the cluttered language associated with the concepts surrounding sustainability. We must be more object and absolute in our purpose or we will remain exposed to manipulation. 

To take this path, four steps are essential. The pursuit of infinite growth in a finite context must be deemed redundant and acknowledged as impossible. It must stop in all ways. Two, global populations worldwide must be dramatically reduced in the coming decades. Concurrently, the global per capita footprint must also be reduced by 75% OR MORE. These are non-negotiable actions that are imperative to the longevity goal; anything else would be foolhardy.


Lastly, and most importantly all-out WAR must be declared on climate change. For if we cannot reverse the course of the now self-evident feedback loops affecting and destroying our planet, then all preceding measures listed, and indeed any other measures conjured by noble minds, would be muted by a course of physical activity in the biosphere that has only one ill-fated conclusion. Extinction...

So this is without doubt the outrageous misfortune of the slings and arrows of our times. Now it is up to us, collectively as a species, to choose a path; perhaps one less travelled, and decide - "to be, or not to be". 

If we have the time...

First Financial Insights
May 25, 2014
(Special Report)



Club for Growth President Chris Chocola on C-Spans Washington Journal

Now, here is something you may want to think about given; first, the hard finite constraints of the planet's resources, and second, the mathematical intersection that must ultimately occur between this finite regression and time's infinite linear regression.

What is Humanity's goal? Sustainability? Rapid Extinction? Or Longevity? Personally, I prefer the latter option, as it gives us a little more time to do things; like space travel, accelerate human evolution or perhaps determine the preconditions that define the Laws of Thermodynamics... e.g. Anti-Entropy???. You got to start somewhere.

Now, let's look at the simple math. Lets say we target to degrowth our extraction and consumption activities by seven fold using population as the proxy metric.Taking population levels from 7 billion down to 1 billion, would extend our visitation rights on terra firma by a corresponding seven fold years, in theory. Hmmm. Ponder the unborn gratitude heaped upon us by our future generations for pursuing such wisdom.

Consider also, if we optimistically have only one hundred years left under our current extraction and consumption algebra. Degrowthing,  gives us a shot at at least another seven hundred years, all other things being equal.

So you see in the end, it is not about accelerating growth in both resource "extractions" and populations in order to bring on our species premature extinction; not at all.It is all about that unselfish goal of wisely using the resources of the planet, so that future generations are not subjected to intolerable conditions and have every opportunity to live in a  civilized manner that allows them to pursue the true progresses and nature of our spirit.   

Hopefully, when the growth addicts espouse their mantra next time, you will ask these questions: What is this all about? Extinction through rapid growth?  Elusive sustainability? Or longevity of our species?

Now, what is humanity's goal, if we truly want to reach for the stars? That's your call now...

Dr. Peter G Kinesa  
January 10, 2013

"we are here, thanks to the unselfish wisdom of our ancients"

Monday, 19 May 2014


(Part 18 of 18)

Series on overpopulation in America  — 

Fishing Our Oceans To Death

By Frosty Wooldridge

Oceanographer Callum Roberts said, “The oceans of today are filled with ghost habitats, stripped of their larger inhabitants.  Our dismantling of marine ecosystems is having destructive and unpredictable consequences.  With species loss and food web collapse comes dangerous instability. The seas are undergoing ecological meltdown.

“Fishing is undermining itself by purging the oceans of species on which it depends. The wholesale removal of marine life and obliteration of their habitats is stripping resilience from ocean ecosystems.

“Moreover, it is undermining the ability of the oceans to support human needs. Overfishing is destabilizing the marine environment, contributing to the spread of anoxic dead zones and the increasing prevalence of toxic algal blooms. Nature's power to bounce back after catastrophes or absorb the battery of stresses humanity is subjecting it to is being eroded, collapsed fishery after collapsed fishery, species by species, place by place.

“It is easy to point fingers and say this is the fault of greedy corporations with their factory ships, or faint-hearted politicians overeager to please the fishing industry, or the great masses of poor people reduced to bombing and poisoning their seas to extract the last few fish."  —Callum Roberts in The Unnatural History of the Sea 

Description: http://www.diverdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/last_tuna_dive_taiwan.jpg

(At 90 million tons of fish annually, the oceans cannot withstand humanity’s onslaught. At some point, like the extinct Carrier Pigeon, untold species of marine life face extinction.)  Photo by Greenpeace

As the human onslaught of the planet accelerates by an added 80,000,000 (million) people, net gain, annually and one billion every 12 years—the natural world staggers back on its heels. 

Fully 80 percent of all life on this planet thrives beneath the surface of our oceans.   This enormous body of water pulses with life-energy, which drives  natural forces that sustain life on this planet.  But in the 21st century the “Mob of Humanity” wreaks havoc on the foundation of life on Earth.  It hooks, pollutes, skims, nets and daggers untold billions of creatures to death annually.

While Roberts brings his powerful research to the table, most of humankind remains oblivious to catastrophic onslaught raging beneath the waves.  As a 50 year scuba diver, I watched it progress from the Gulf of Mexico into all of our oceans.

With America’s 319 million people devouring ocean marine life such as squid, crabs, shrimp, tuna, salmon, flounder, swordfish and so many other species—take a look at what 7.2 billion humans devour worldwide:

Giant ships, using state-of-the-art equipment throw out 50-mile long drift nets that capture 90 million tons of marine life annually. These industrial fishing fleets exceed the ocean's ecological limits. As larger fish dwindle in numbers, the next smaller fish species are targeted and so on.  A Canadian fisheries expert Dr. Daniel Pauly warns that if this continues, “Our children will be eating jellyfish.”

Description: http://www.andrewwillner.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/factory-fishing.jpg

(Factory fishing ships with 50 mile long drift nets encircle hapless marine life, killing billions of creatures as “bycatch” while they scoop up endless fish for consumption by 7.2 billion humans)  Photo by www.AndrewWillner.com

For the past 35 years, humans continue their annihilation of all species of sharks by killing them at a rate of 100 million sharks annually.   You must wonder, “How much longer can this kind of a killing spree continue before the sharks and all ocean life reach a point of no return?”  (Source: Life Magazine August 1991; Julia Whitty, OneEarth Magazine)

Description: http://ksj.mit.edu/sites/default/files/images/tracker/2007/shark-in-net.jpg
(Thousands of miles of cut-loose drift nets kill millions of marine creatures unfortunate enough to swim into their deadly grasp.) Photo by ksj.mit.edu
The latest threat grows beyond solving with “carbon footprint” waste from fossil fuel burning at 84,000,000 (million) barrels of oil daily and billions of tons of coal and natural gas annually—to overload our seas with carbon that acidifies the oceans to a point whereby marine life can no longer exist in the toxic ocean water.  It would be like you taking a bath in carbonic acid water.

Another aspect of humanity’s “deadly treatment” of our oceans deals with the phenomenon of “dead zones” at the mouths of all our major rivers worldwide.  For instance, the Ganges and Yangtze rivers exhaust their toxic sewage waters into the world’s oceans 24/7 to create 20,000 square mile dead zones. The water grows so toxic that higher marine life cannot exist in those zones.  In America, the Mississippi River spews chemical waste, petroleum waste and endless sewage waste to create a 10,000 mile square dead zone at its mouth in New Orleans.

WWII major war powers dumped their mustard gas, oil and other chemicals along with radioactive waste into the oceans of the world.  Humanity’s 80,000 chemicals always end up in the oceans as their final toilet destination.

Over time, those toxic rivers exhausting out of Europe, Asia, South America, Russia and North America cannot help but toxically contaminate the oceans of the world. That means all the fish in them bear the chemicals they breathe and eat in their daily existence.  With the latest Fukushima radioactive waste spill of trillions of gallons of toxic liquids, our oceans cannot help but stagger to keep their “Ph” balance.  Fukushima spreading:


When you include the 100 million ton, the size of Texas, (and growing by 2.5 million plastic pieces per hour), “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch”, which constitutes a floating plastic island and hangs 1,000 miles off San Francisco—you cannot help but understand that we humans desecrate our nest at blinding speed.  Soberingly, researchers tell us that 46,000 pieces of plastic float on every square mile of our oceans.  Those constitute pretty sickening statistics.

Description: http://assets.inhabitat.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2013/01/ocean-plastic-toxic-absorb.jpg
(Is it little wonder that marine life cannot survive the plastic onslaught of their environment?  Ocean beaches around the world feature this plastic filth. I’ve stood in knee deep plastic on some beaches.) Photo by www.inhabitat.com
Plastic killing zone at Midway Island:

Do the oceans stand a chance when we remain on course to add another three billion of our species within 36 years by 2050? Answer: not a snowball’s chance in hell!

So when you read a sobering series like this that reports on the underpinnings of humanity’s dilemma, what do you think?  What do you do?  How do you do it? When do you start?

It’s my contention that environmental leaders and demographic experts rattle the bars, scream at the media and make some noise in every country around the world.  Silence won’t cut it fellow humans.  You need to engage your courage, your guts, your true grit and your creative energy to move the discussion to the highest levels in the USA, Canada, Europe, Australia and beyond.  If the Western world doesn’t address this, no one else will touch it!

Finally, your kids won’t be eating jellyfish; they will  choke on seaweed.

Post Script
Exactly 10 years before, when Newcastle yachtsman Ivan Macfadyen sailed the same course from Melbourne to Osaka, all he'd had to do to catch a fish from the ocean between Brisbane and Japan was throw out a baited line.

"There was not one of the 28 days on that portion of the trip when we didn't catch a good-sized fish to cook up and eat with some rice," Macfadyen recalled.

But this time, on that whole long leg of sea journey, the total catch was two.  No fish. No birds. Hardly a sign of life at all.
"In years gone by, I'd gotten used to all the birds and their noises," he said.

"They'd be following the boat, sometimes resting on the mast before taking off again. You'd see flocks of them wheeling over the surface of the sea in the distance, feeding on pilchards."

But in March and April this year (2013), only silence and desolation surrounded his boat, Funnel Web, as it sped across the surface of a haunted ocean.

If we do not change course - consider the possible consequences.

Saturday, 17 May 2014


(Part 17 of 18)

Series on overpopulation in America

— The Garbage  Waste Conundrum

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 17: Garbage, waste, refuse in America and worldwide

The writer John Steinbeck said, “American cities are like badger holes, ringed with trash -- all of them -- surrounded by piles of wrecked and rusting automobiles, and smothered with rubbish. 

Everything we use comes in boxes, cartons, bins, the so-called packaging we love so much. The mountains of things we throw away are much greater than the things we use. In this, if no other way, we can see the wild and reckless exuberance of our production, and waste seems to be the index. I wonder whether there will come a time when we can no longer afford our wastefulness -- chemical wastes in the rivers, metal wastes everywhere, and atomic wastes buried deep in the earth or sunk in the sea. When an Indian village became too deep in its own filth, the inhabitants moved. And we have no place to which to move.”   John SteinbeckTravels with Charley: In Search of America

With a population of 319 million people in 2014, the United States generates 4.5 pounds of trash per person 24/7.

Description: andfill
(Americans throw 251 million tons of trash annually into landfills, onto the land, into our lakes, rivers and into the oceans.)  Photo D’arcy Norman

We throw more trash than most of the rest of the world, but they catch up annually as they grow their populations by 80 million each year.  China adds 27 million cars, net gain, to their highways annually, but as those autos age, their dead carcasses litter the landscape.  China expects to use and toss over 900 to 1,200 million tires annually as they continue their quest to be more like Americans.  The US tosses 250 million tires annually.

Plastic bags
60,000 --Number of plastic bags consumed in the U.S. every 5 seconds (Sierra Club)
240,000--Number of plastic bags consumed worldwide every 10 seconds (Sierra Club)
Description: http://www.mnn.com/sites/default/files/user-8595/plasticbags.jpg
1 billion--
Number of plastic bags Americans use every year (Clean Air Council)

30,000 tons--Landfill waste created from plastic bags each year (Clean Air Council)

Less than 1 percent--Amount of plastic bags that are recycled (Clean Air Council)

The amount of garbage we discard numbs a thinking person’s mind and stupefies anyone who thinks about the ramifications of our future.


15 million--Sheets of office paper used in the U.S. every 5 minutes. The average American uses roughly the equivalent of one 100-foot-tall Douglas fir tree in paper and wood products each year. (EPA)

100 million--Number of trees cut down in the U.S. annually to make the paper for junk mail (Clean Air Council)

9,960--Pieces of junk mail that are printed, shipped, delivered and disposed of in the U.S. every 3 seconds. (Chris Jordan)

Description: http://www.mnn.com/sites/default/files/user-8595/ocean.jpg

(Part of the 100 million tons of plastic floating in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch the size of Texas just 1,000 miles west of San Francisco and growing as billions of humans toss their plastics into our oceans.)  Photo by Mother Nature Network

2.4 million pounds
Amount of plastic pollution that enters the world's oceans every hour (Clean Air Council)

1 million
Number of plastic cups that are consumed on airline flights in the U.S. every 6 hours (Chris Jordan)

2 million
Number of plastic beverage bottles that are used in the U.S. ever 5 minutes. The number of plastic water bottles discarded in the U.S. every week could circle the Earth five times. (Plastic Pollution Coalition)

The more I dive into the research of this series, the more I am sickened at what I discover.  When you pile up the numbers for the USA, it’s overwhelming. When you pile up the numbers for India, China and other overpopulated countries, it’s down right frightening.  We add 1 billion humans every 12 years—so the trash numbers will continue to climb. Our oceans will continue to be destroyed.  But no one will address it; not one single world leader. 
Description: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhZ7sQ8f0z9iiAGdwAHVOfgQ2BjjLpPUiv-HAzikpwTh3e5DS091vmz7n9vqjbR2U7MdQCzJrX9blQmf53uLC1KLCAFfj3PSyTR4GIXL3hQnVvM8sXy1ZMaETfDaO01hCZwLqn0i_-TKts/s1600/homes+in+trash.jpg

(People living in their own trash in Africa, India, Mexico and many places around the world.)  Photo bywww.Lightingtheway.com

20 to 50 million metric tons--Amount of electronics the world throws away annually. That's the equivalent of trashing 45,500 to 125,000 fully loaded 747s each year. (Ewasteguide.info)

10-18 percent--Amount of electronics that are recycled. (Ewasteguide.info)

304 million--Electronics disposed of from U.S. households in 2005 — two-thirds of them still worked. (Clean Air Council)

18,500--Number of homes that could be powered for a year if we recycled all of the cellphones retired annually. (Clean Air Council)

All totaled, the USA discards 251 million tons of trash annually. How do you compare that number?

The United States discards more than 4,837 Titanic’s filled with trash in a normal calendar year.

Description: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjMrMpSjdqq1-koXhyphenhyphenTsx-f4z_zleFwdue5_TK5dMMaQhhyUXgFAWdo9xw08BV6PDZklEHDFoccw5I8jFMNddosE6VnhcbmLxD7tIm3dSYZjxky3zajJTaCkodALU-ZXMgnt4LX6imEKKs/s1600/IMG_2035.JPG
(People living in the utter nightmare of their own waste around the world.)  Photo by www.lightingtheway.com

Unfortunately, it drips, drains, funnels and wafts into the land, air and water.   We face “payback” in the coming years on a scale unheard of in human history.

Worldwide, humans produce 1.2 kg per person per day or 1.3 billion tons per year). By 2025 this will likely increase to 4.3 billion urban residents generating about 1.42 kg/capita/day of municipal solid waste 2.2 billion tons per year.

Finally, Americans waste or cause to be wasted nearly 1 million pounds of materials per person every year. This figure includes 3.5 billion pounds of carpet landfilled, 3.3 trillion pounds of CO2 gas emitted into the atmosphere, 19 billion pounds of polystyrene peanuts, 28 billion pounds of food discarded, 360 billion pounds of organic and inorganic chemicals used for manufacturing, 710 billion pounds of hazardous waste and 3.7 trillion pounds of construction debris.

• If wastewater is factored in, the total annual flow of waste
in the American Industrial system is 250 trillion pounds.
•  Less than 2% of the total waste stream in the United States is recycled.
• For all the world to live as an American we would need two more Earths; three more if the population should double and twelve Earth’s altogether if worldwide standards of living doubled in the next forty years.

Description: http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/files/2012/01/JERoss_NG-News_PB-Article_2012-01_6-950x633.jpg

(Our trash reaches the Arctic Ocean where polar bears, whales, seagulls and seals must contend with our accelerating nightmare.)

And to think that America will add another 138 million people by 2050—a scant 36 years from now.  The world will add another 3.1 billion in that time.

Somewhere down the line, Mother Nature will kick our rear-ends back to the Stone Age.

If we do not change course - consider the possible consequences.

Thursday, 15 May 2014


(Part 16 of 18)

Series on overpopulation in America —
Plastic Onslaught; Worldwide Tragedy for Humanity and... 

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 16: Bird life on Midway Island in the Pacific Ocean and the onslaught of plastics

Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote, “Until my ghastly tale is told; this heart within me burns.”  From his epic work:  The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.

This ghastly, if not poignant look onto Midway Island, 2,000 miles out in the Pacific Ocean, reminds us of the sublime beauty of our planet via the waved albatross, but how fast humanity’s plastics ravage the natural world.  The following four-minute video allows you a mind-changing look into  humanity’s onslaught of the natural world.

Hopefully, the four minutes you took to watch this sobering if not stomach churning video—gives you the courage to speak up, take action and push for deposit-return laws on every piece of plastic that leaves our stores across America and around the planet.

You must take action with your state and federal leaders to stop further damage to our natural world.  Our civilization and all civilizations around the globe must implement plastic-deposit-return laws if we hope to salvage what’s left of the health of our oceans worldwide.  We need to implement effective educational systems in order to make every world citizen responsible for that plastic bottle cap, toothbrush holder, soft drink container, Styrofoam cooler and another 100,000 plastic items that we buy and toss 24/7 around the planet.

Description: http://kanat.jsc.vsc.edu/student/brookfield/Moore-Trashed-PacificNov03a.jpg

(Notice that all animal life cannot distinguish between nutrient foods and plastic.  This creature’s stomach held enough plastic of every description to finally give it a painful and slow death of choking and starvation.  Yet, humans refuse to engage plastic-deposit-return laws or change containers all to glass in 2013 and God only knows how far into the future.  We should not manufacture plastic bottle caps or anything that can fall into the mouths of the creatures of the natural world.) Photo by kanat.jsc.vsc.eud

In my State of Colorado, we tried to institute bottle-return laws in 1974 and 1988, but beer brewer magnate Peter Coors defeated us with his endless fortune.  He pretends to be an environmentalist, but he failed himself, his family and future generations with his quest for more money over the natural world.

Coors does not stand alone.  World leaders and manufacturing CEOs echo similar disregard for our natural world.  As to common citizens around the world, they remain clueless as to their discard of plastics. 

Description: http://engineering.curiouscatblog.net/images/albatros_ocean_polution.jpg

(Countless millions of seabird suffer the fate of this one with plastic-loaded bellies that they mistaken for food.  If world leaders and manufacturing CEOs possessed an ounce of morality-ethics-personal accountability over the money they make---this horrendous “ghastly tale” could be solved.)
When Coca-Cola hit 100 years of age, the CEO boasted, “I am so proud to bring the world Coke.”

In reality, via my world travels, I watched millions of kids and parents smiling with toothless mouths because they suffer caffeine-sugar addiction from Coke and other soft drinks.  They lack any access to toothbrushes and floss.  Today, we know that soft drinks create heart problems and obesity.  Would the CEO of Coke take action to stop his drink from circulating around the world to render millions of toothless smiles?  Would he add a toothbrush and floss to every purchase of his product?  Would he support deposit-return laws for his plastic containers?  Answer: not a chance.

Description: http://sprinterlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/plastic-pollution-seal-trapped.jpg

(Marine life worldwide strangles itself on plastic debris circulating around the planet on the surface and beneath the waves.  Humans kill 100 million sharks annually (that figure is correct and has gone on annually for over 25 years) and heaven only knows how many die from ingesting plastics before they die and sink to the bottom where there is no way to count their numbers.)  Photo bywww.Sprinterlife.com

In Daniel Quinn’s book, Ishmael, he said, “And yet you do destroy the planet, each of you. Each of you contributes daily to the destruction of the world.  You’re captives of a civilizational system that more or less compels you to go on destroying the world in order to live.”

Description: http://www.oceanfilmfest.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/plastic_paradise_SFIOFF_2013-500x260.jpg

(Typical island beach anywhere around the world where plastics float up and land.  Trillions of pieces of plastic of every discription continue their onslaught on wildlife and the natural world.  What do humans do? In the last 50 years since they invented plastics, they keep throwing it into the oceans with no pause in sight.)  Photo bywww.oceanfilmfest.org

Through this series, you witnessed pictures of the 100 million ton, size of Texas, floating island out in the Pacific Ocean: “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”.  It’s huge, it’s ugly and it’s growing.  Every day of the year, countless billions of humans toss plastic somewhere into a lake, stream, river, on the land and into the oceans.  

As you saw from the four-minute video, we witness and understand the damage, but we fail to take action.
Eleanor Roosevelt said it 50 years ago; “We must prevent human tragedy rather than run around trying to save ourselves after an event has already occurred.  Unfortunately, history clearly shows that we arrive at catastrophe by failing to meet the situation, by failing to act when we should have acted.  The opportunity passes us by and the next disaster is always more difficult and compounded than the last one.” 

If we live out Roosevelt’s tale to its “ghastly finish” and fail to take action—we face acidified oceans where marine life cannot live and procreate. We suffer death of plankton that create 80-90 percent of the oxygen we breathe on this planet.  We face warming oceans via carbon footprint from fossil fuel burning, which in turn, destroys our climatic systems worldwide.  All marine life continues to eat and incorporate those mini-particles of plastic into their systems, so that, when we eat them, we pay the same consequences you saw from the albatross on Midway Island.

Description: http://www.invw.org/sites/default/files/whale%20on%20beach_0.jpg

(This whale died with a belly full of plastic.  Ultimately, the plastic stuffs up marine creatures’ colons so they cannot process foods and die.)  Photo by www.invw.org
Frankly, I am not optimistic that humans share the collective will or intelligence to save themselves.   If we do possess any chance, we need to move on information found in this video and these pictures to change the way we use plastics around the world. 
Because the United States citizens use two million, that’s 2,000,000 plastic bottles every five minutes and discard them—we need to take action damned fast.

Description: http://www.ladylux.com/phpThumb/phpThumb.php?src=/images/pics/plastictrash_1241647859.jpg&w=418

(Very few people comprehend the enormity of the plastics onslaught around our planet.  Again, it’s floating and landing not only on beaches, but under the oceans as well. In its wake, utter devastation on eco systems, marine life and, in the end a “ghastly tale” for all of humanity.)  Photo www.columbia.edu

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls, Roy Beck, director ofwww.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:
“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck
This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!” www.NumbersUSA.org

If we do not change course - consider the possible consequences.

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