Indian Capital market has closed at a all time high on back of strong performance from Banking, Capital Goods. We feel that market will continue to gain , but , feel that larger gain will now come from Midcap & small cap stocks. One should now focus on quality midcap stocks & with strong fundamental. One should not ,now, gets carried away by return & should focus on quality midcaps. We feel that Most of the midcaps stocks has supporting technical the valuation gap between large cap and Mid cap stocks has gone up. So we are presenting few idea generated by Axis Capital, CLSA and India Infoline.
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Bull on Run, Or Bear in Woods
Platinim Advice:
India like all global markets is over-heated and headed for a correction. Small caps generally offer huge rewards on the way up, but offer greater opportunities when it slides to the savy short-player. Our bets would be on the short side for those good at homework.
BIG BUCKS - for good students!
Platinum Wealth Partners
June 9, 2014